About us

Company BG Project Ltd. is a newly registered company and it continued the company BGI Project Ltd. and has the same executive management team and resources. BGI Project Ltd. is the first registered company in the country with the main business of construction project management and until now it developed only this service. In the conditions of severe financial economic crisis, we consciously do not expanded our scope of services, for example in the field of required consulting services, according to the law and/or construction and repair works and/or prepare designs, therefore to have the opportunity to offer the services of project management in the clean and good type without becoming dependent. In terms of supply of “clean” service, we differentiate ourselves from most competitors.

We have the necessary tools for the full management of the Project, as well as the team of professionals to fulfill the services that are required. Our team is fully equipped with all the necessary equipment – mobile offices, office equipment and computers, online connection between all our servers, IP cameras, gauges, including total stations, reinforcement scanner, laser and conventional measurement devices, sclerometers, standard forms for testing of the concrete mixture etc.

Main principles which we observe in the management of the investment projects, along side with the observance of the ethical and the moral principles in the business partnership are:

Full loyalty to the Customer – which is provided effectively with internal rules and strict documents, which signed each employee when starting work with us;

System for management of investment projects approved by written management tools including the following basic principles:

  • Risk assessment;
  • Perfect tender procedures when choosing the subcontractors with a proven methodology, including objective criteria to achieve the best market price;
  • Description of the works with technological rules and limits according the EU standards;
  • Strict and continuous production control;
  • Perfect contracts with included money guaranties and effective penalties for correct production and quality;
  • Non allowance of not-guaranteed payments

European funds for business support under the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness”, Procedure BG16RFOP002-2.073 “Support to micro and small enterprises to overcome the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic”, Project and main objective “Overcoming the lack of funds and lack of liquidity resulting from the outbreak of COVID-19 “, Contract with the Ministry of Economy number BG16RFOP002-2.073-13731-C01 of a total value: BGN 10000.00, of which BGN 8500.00 European and BGN 1500.00 national co-financing.